Russia Invades Ukraine: The Ethical Principles at Stake
As the crisis deepens in Ukraine, Carnegie Council is examining the potential ramifications of Putin’s decision to invade and working to understand the ethical principles at stake.
Several key questions have arisen: Why did diplomacy fail? What does the invasion mean for the principle of sovereignty? How does history inform the present and suggest the future? Are sanctions an appropriate and effective response, and what principles should guide their implementation?
The Doorstep Podcast "Can Putin Be Stopped? with Atlantic Council's Melinda Haring"
Atlantic Council's Ukraine expert Melinda Haring joins Doorstep co-hosts Nikolas Gvosdev and Tatiana Serafin to discuss where we are one week after Putin launched his large-scale invasion into the country.
What are the key takeaways after a week of intense fighting? Can the U.S. and Western allies do more to stop Putin's advance? How will the war re-shape U.S. domestic politics as midterm season begins?
Senior Fellow Michael Doyle Pens Op-Ed for The Washington Post: “Seize, don't just freeze, Putin’s billions”
In this op-ed, Model International Mobility Convention Senior Fellow Michael Doyle argues for the seizure of Russian assets, which can then be re-deployed by the EU to support Ukrainians fleeing the country as refugees.
President Joel Rosenthal and Senior Fellow Nikolas Gvosdev Discuss the Ethical Principles at Stake in Ukraine
In a virtual event this week, Carnegie Council President Joel Rosenthal and Senior Fellow Nikolas Gvosdev discussed the ethical ramifications of Putin's decision to invade, the future role of NATO, the impact of global sanctions, and more.
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